From Struggle to Career Success

3 Keys To Accelerating Your Results
Explore ways to experience more prosperity and balance in your career. Most of us feel like we’re pouring our hearts and souls into our work and still not getting the results we want. This workshop explores ways to increase your success while staying in complete harmony with your highest values and spiritual beliefs.

The Vision Workshop is inspired by the words and lessons of many great thinkers, from Einstein to Edison, from Napoleon Hill to Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau’s famous essay “Walden” contains a hidden code for prosperous living. During this dynamic motivational program, we will unlock this code so that you can harness your life’s purpose and build your career toward the prosperity you deserve!

* How to move through the struggle to find ease in your career

* Simple thinking-strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry.

* What wealthy people do that creates sustained success.

This program includes an interactive exercise that any size audience can do at their seats, plus a handout so everyone has something tangible to take home to inspire them.

Develop all your tools for a successful career!