Reaching Across Cultural Differences

2 Workshops:

Sales & Communication Across Cultural Differences:
Living and Working in a Global Economy

Whether or not a company does business in the global marketplace, people face challenges in dealing with coworkers and clients from a variety of different cultures. What is considered polite to cursos online marketing one group is not perceived as such by others. A trait that defines excellence in one culture falls short in another culture. And then there’s the bargaining battle–where both sides get offended.

This program explores both the common ground and the differences between many cultures, motivating the audience to replace their frustration with understanding and empathy. But just tolerance is not enough. The participants also learn ways to bridge the gulf between them, opening the door to increased sales and successful interactions.

This program includes an exercise that any size audience can do at their seats, plus a handout so everyone has something tangible to take home to inspire them to work happily and effectively across many cultures.

Develop all your tools for a successful career!


Appreciate Diversity, Appreciate Yourself (for teens)

Intolerance can take many forms. Racial and religious intolerance are unfortunately quite common in the world at large. In an educational environment however, varying intelligence levels and different learning abilities are often the cause for elitism or other forms of disrespect.

Fueled by unrealistic expectations for themselves, teens often feel inadequate and insecure. To cover their insecurities, those teens lash out at others with bullying or belittling behavior.

This workshop helps students appreciate the benefits of all types of diversity, especially as it relates to their school and future work environments. They begin to understand the value of the diversity for success in any group endeavor. The teens see value in their own abilities, learn to accept their own strengths and weakness, and develop an appreciation for the unique abilities of those around them.

This workshop typically includes an interactive exercise as well as a worksheet.